THE UNANSWERED PRAYERS: The collapse of empires and the emergence of the Anti-Narcissus.

Roberto Palomo-Silva

Thomas Cole, “The Course of Empire”, 1833-36. Oil on canvas, The New-York Historical Society. The Savage State (1834); The Arcadian or Pastoral State (1834); The Consummation of Empire (1836; Destruction and Desolation (1836).

Thomas Cole’s extraordinary work of art recounts the story of the birth and downfall of Empires from the twilight to their demise. Much has been written regarding the matter of the emergence and destruction of empires, probably no other historical event had the worldwide attention as the collapse of the Roman Empire and the enormous consequences than the slow and painful disintegration of Rome and the subsequent total transformation carrie on during centuries after its astonishing dissolution, however unique it might seem is by no means an isolated historical and sole case. Others have gone trough similar catastrophic circumstances. The subject is full of complexities and when addressing causes and degradation we might find ourselves into rather deep and very long discussion. Empires do not collapse suddenly on the contrary its lengthy process of disintegration emerges from a multitude of reasons and is rarely linked to a one historical figure but on the contrary, many actors partake on the painstaking decadence and final collapse. Recent events, the passing of the late Queen Elizabeth II and other much lesser publicised events, have caught the eye of public world opinion, the impressive ceremonies and protocol followed with exemplary meticulosity and observance of all the symbolic elements, many attesting to the care and respect for the late Monarch, the remarkable Royal Protocol carried out with the utmost perfection, one is tempted to stress, carefully planned and executed, bares a meaning that transcends the person and embodies the Monarchy, The Crown – as has been labeled in one notorious series by a major streaming outlet – and others names perhaps not so adequate, for example, The Firm or The Company. The temptation that springs from such extraordinary events might be none other than to consider we are witnessing the end of the once named British Empire at least the winds of change, extreme change probably, might be lurking somehow on The Crown and the transformation from subjects into citizens slowly emerges from the silent condition of a long postponement which could or not, be unavoidable.

The great wars fought on Europe at the beginning until the middle of the last Century, horrible wars of immense destruction of millions of lives, countries, systems brought down historical Empires collapse, one can easily rethink or bring into consideration, after the First World War ended, both the German-Prussian Empire case to be and the Austro-Hungarian Empire practically fell into ruins. Vienna, the centre of the Habsburg Dynasty crashed both internally and externally. Causes for the downfall are numerous and several important studies have been published regarding this so sensitive subject for so many suffered the impact and destruction that First World War brought to millions of persons. Recently a German production named Die Kaiserin, just the first season has been shown but they are announcements that a second season has been completed and will be released sometime next year. Die Kaiserin tells the story of Sissi, Kaiserin Elisabeth and her romance and future marriage to Kaiser Franz Joseph however it also hints at the events that are about to unravel and many of the tragic figures surrounding and were also main protagonists of the manifold tragic events involving the Hapsburg dynasty, even the Maximilian part comes to play signalling yet at another tragic figure and his lifelong attempts to become Emperor, wish that was later to be granted only to bring about the absurd and the catastrophic Mexican “expedition”, not to mention the madness engulfing such an adventurous proposition and wretched Empire dreams and phantasies. Following probably the Mexican example, the Latin America countries were historically more prone towards creating Republics under constitutional frameworks nor Kingdoms or Empires although we should recall that regrettable cases in said Mexico and Brazil, under the Braganza family, failed to materialise being finally dissolved in 1822 when Brazil proclaimed its Independence. One last word which maybe can even be a quote for something very particular: whilst watching and following with great interest and even curiosity, the German series portraying the Hapsburgs comes into mind the fact that at the Vienna Court so called “Hoch Deutsch”, wasn’t the language of choice, the wonderful musicality of the Viennese accent is missing and even the necessary touch of Winerisch or if one prefers to call it “Viennese German” was indeed generally spoken so, therefore, it is to be expected that the characters employ this beautiful language and not to forget that Sissy spoke Bayerish which is very close to Wiennerisch. Personally this is of the utmost important in order to maintain historical accuracy, the issue of the “dialects” in the German speaking world, is of crucial importance and has a lot to do with national identities, same can be said amongst the Swiss that called Hoch Deutsch as “Scriftlich Deutsch”, meaning the written language, used everywhere in the German Cantons in Switzerland although Swiss Deutsch and all its variants are spoken mainly in the Swiss Confederation.

Vienna aside from being one of the most beautiful cities not only in continental Europe but all over the world, has a unique history too. Vienna witnessed during the times of the Empire a magnificent resurgence. Architecturally it is a wonderfully designed city, the buildings and the style as well as the blend between different conceptions, from Art Deco to the period of the Secession where great artists, architects of great vision produce a long lasting and highly influential movement, great names such as Klimt, Kurzweil or even Mucha, together with Moser, Hoffman Olbrich and Otto Wagner, to name some of the most important founders of the movement, -which somehow survived the devastating winds of War and the calamitous consequences of the Anschluss – still keeps alive even nowadays the spirit, the vast views of the whole period that was also filled with great musicians, composers and philosopher, like a Renaissance period in its pregnant meaning, Vienna was a centre of cultural and intellectual life as well of course, a steemed and regarded scientifically and philosophical core and seat that convey the utmost respect, suffice to quote the names of Sigmund Freud and Ludwig Wittgenstein whose body of work and remarkable contributions shaped and transformed the world. After the wars and Austria became a Federal Republic, leaving under the spell of Alt-Wien a certain nostalgic culture engulfed the country, not only Vienna. The dissolution of the Empire and its dramatic events leading to its unsettling demise maybe the assassination of the Arch-Duque in Sarajevo and the Mayerling tragedy, this are well known facts and have been studied and extensively written about, however there are some other factors that lead to Empire downfall that demand another perspective or newer angles and horizons to consider. The nostalgic culture is rooted and very deeply on a transformation and meaning of the person and the whole culture including, specially, the political landscape. Wars destroy and more over, alter and transform. Whether modernisation in the form actualisation, coming into times, substitutes the Old system and ways, remains open. Change does not mean improvement.

Blood lines, lineages, ancestry or probably the most disturbing of all the ideas, to support monarchies or empires that comes to mind immediately, is the so called “divine origin of kings”, invoking the name of a deity to ground rights to succession founded dinasties not only in Europe but in other countries as well. One of the main objects of rejection by the French Revolution was precisely that of hereditary power trough roots on a divine mandate, kings rule in the name of the Almighty sometimes they are or had been seen as the worldly presence of a deity, case of the Japanese Empire and this was precisely what MacArthur faced when lying the ground for the famous Tokyo Trails. The persona of the Emperor – Hirohito – could not be touched and in a gesture of transcendental importance, Hirohito bowed to a long standing peace and friendship and embraced the responsibility for the acts of war committed under his command. The God-Emperor became human cementing the soil for a new extraordinary change, that of a modern and exemplary country. Imperial and Royal Families are educated and formed in the German sense of Bildung, to become a very special kind of individual, strictly prescribed rules and protocols to be followed closely and under the watchful eyes of those responsible to keep the tradition, always present creating thus, a very particular and different persona, unique individuals with personalities and characters so vastly separated from the other members of a given society and culture. So called “royals” behave differently and become aliens to the common people. Sometimes completely incomprehensible, to the regular individual who happens to be a subject to the strangest cadre of persons that seat at the top of the pyramid. Enter narcissism.

Narcissus story is so well know it does not need any recounting. Our current world seems to be dominated by certain individuals with narcissistic personalities. Something that needs more public scrutiny and even more carefully analysis. Politicians seem to be at the total mercy of the Narcissus plague, Royals and Imperial families with clear exceptions, take it for granted, is part of the job description and a self-entitlement comes with destiny and inheritance. However, there is an almost unknown or only a selected few remain aware of its existence: the Anti-Narcissus. The Talmud tells the story according to a baraita, that Shimon HaTzaddik, Kohen Gadol and a High Priest of the Second Temple, tells the story of a “man from the South”, no name given, described as having “beautiful eyes and a fine countenance, and his locks were arranged in curls.” During the conversation Shimon HaTzaddik asks “the man of the South”, why is he seeking to became a nazirit and thus being forced to destroy his hair, as is mandated at the end of his term. The reply is absolutely astonishing: he recounts being a shepherd on his father’s in his home town, on a certain opportunity he went to draw water from the spring and looked at his reflection in the water. Suddenly an evil inclination took hold and sought to drive him from the world. He replies by calling the inclination “Empty one!” and reacted in dramatic terms, “For what reason are you proud in a world that is not yours, as your end is to be maggots and worms when you die…” and in a very strong and committed fashion asserts and swears by “The Temple service” to become a nazarite and shave his head, cut his hair off, for the sake of Heaven. The story is told in different Tractates, Nedarim 9b-10a; Nazir 4b; Tosefta Nezirut 4, 7 and even on Numbers Rabbah 10 to quote just some of the many sources where the story of what we call the Anti-Narcissus comes into account. In these case we have known due to many historical facts that Greek both as a language and culture, where extensively spread in the times of the Hellenistic period. Suffice to recall the extraordinary events around the so called, Letter of Aristeas to Philocrates, in spite being consider pseudepigraphical relates how the Septuagint came to be written and refers to the Library of Alexandria and how the text was translated as seventy two interpreters where sent to Alexandria at the request of Ptolomy II Philadelphus (281-246 BC) to translate the Books of the Jewish Law into greek, something in urgent demand specially to the very large and important Jewish community leaving in Alexandria and where in need of a greek translation. Whether the story is myth or fiction attest to the fact of the usage of Greek and the knowledge of the Greek religion and culture so the Narcissus myth was of common knowledge amongst the highly educated Priests and others. Imposing a limit to self-admiration and adulation in the name of a divinity is a remarkable and ethical response to hedonism and departure from more profound commitments. These are mere remarks on what should be addressed with deeper seriousness and careful considerations and analysis, the current world and state of affairs are crying for words and observance of values grounded on compassion and generosity, acceptance and openness to the otherness of the other. Understanding and constant, truthful exchanges should pose the self-entered world and expansion of the Narcissus malady. Readdressing the Anti-Narcissus seems to be an interesting path to a better understanding and coexistence a pending assignment for a larger and influential, powerful, sector of mankind specially for those who carry the potential of influence and decision making.

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